Curriculum Vitae



663 663 844



Soft skills:


• creativity
• communication
• customer service
• quick adaptation
• working under time pressure
• great self-management skills

Drawing has been with me since forever. Working on the school quarterly woke up my passion for graphic design, which influenced my choice of further education. I graduated from the Warsaw University of Technology, earned a degree in Printing Technology.


Each job I took taught me something valuable. While working at Egmont Publishing, I saw "behind the scenes" how the publishing process works. Working at the reception and in sales helped me overcome my inner introvert. Thanks to it, I developed soft skills, and I can easily communicate with clients both in Polish and English. Managing team social media taught me how to coordinate the committee. Freelance, on the other hand, expanded my skill set, I learned to analyze the client's needs to deliver the best possible product.


I'm looking forward to the next challenges. Each of them is an opportunity for development, meeting new people, and expanding horizons!


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